Using WordPress P2 as a development log

What is WordPress P2 ?

P2 is a theme for WordPress which eliminates the need for using the WordPress administration interface. You can post right from your blog’s home page and see your changes right away. P2 transforms WordPress to a social-media-like platform since anyone can easily post updates which are immediately available to everyone.

With the use of a couple of plug ins we transformed a WordPress installation to a private log for all developers of the team. Every time a developer makes a “radical” change to the database or code base that the rest of the team should know about, he can post it on P2 and therefore inform everyone instantly. We no longer have to use boring files to store a list of changes, or email people when we need to update them on the latest stuff going on in the project.

How to use P2 as a development log/blog

  1. Download and install WordPress to a sub domain of your main site (for example
  2. Download and install the P2 theme
  3. Activate the new theme through Appearance > Themes, in WordPress administration
  4. Download and install Private WordPress plugin to make sure that only logged users can view your log
  5. Download and install Global Hide/Remove Admin Bar plugin to get rid of the annoying black WordPress bar
  6. Create user accounts through Users > Add new, in WordPress administration
  7. Log in and start posting


Hey! The internet sucks. Let’s make it better!

The internet was one of the most important revolutions in the history of mankind. There is no doubt that no other technology has made the information age a reality like the internet has. However in the wrong hands, it can be made a tool to discriminate, annoy and treat people with disrespect.

The images bellow are real screenshots from web pages that I’ve encountered in my daily browsing. Some companies think that there are some priviledged countries, and the rest of the world. And those companies obviously think that those two categories should not be treated equally.

We live in a planet where everyone is connected with the rest of the world through the net. Twitter spreads the news faster than TV or newspappers. We are constantly moving towards a more connected future. It is innevitable that all these practices of discrimination will fail sooner or later. It is common sense that some people just don’t get the medium.

We deserve a better web and we have the tools to develop a better web. We also have the responsibility to create a better internet. So if you are a web developer or designer, or work in a startup, you should know that there is always room for improvement. You don’t need a million dolar idea to make a difference. Take a sad web app and make it better.